Notes |
- [Gloria J.Tune1.FTW]
[janbme.ged] Born in Murray Co., Georgia (then Cherokee Indian Territory)
PENN SPRINGS, TEXAS. Penn Springs was at the intersection of Penn SpringsRoad and Danieldale Road, at a site that is now in the center ofDuncanville, eleven miles southwest of Dallas in southwest DallasCounty. It was on the original land grant of J. Anderson in an areawhere two springs flowed into a small reservoir. During a drought peoplecame thirty miles for water. Penn Springs was originally known as IndianSprings for the Native Americans who frequently camped there. Thecommunity was named after Maj. John Penn of Illinois, who first saw thearea in 1848 when he visited Crawford Trees, a friend of his fromIllinois. The two friends then traveled to California as part of the goldrush. After discovering gold, Penn returned to the springs area andpurchased a section of land owned by Phillip Kimmel. Penn traveled toIllinois, gathered his wife Nancy and their seven children, and returnedto Texas in 1854. Upon their arrival the Penn family constructed a logcabin on what became known as Penn Springs Place. Penn later formed asheep business with Samuel Uhl. Their sheep herds sometimes numbered asmany as 1,000. Penn Springs became a watering stop for pioneers,wagontrains, and cattle drives on the Shawnee Trail. In 1882 thecommunity hosted a reunion of Parsons's Brigade and a celebration of theAmerican Declaration of Independence. By 1900 the community was nolonger listed on Sam Street's Map of Dallas County, Texas. In 1982 a
historical marker at the site of Penn Springs was dedicated in a ceremonywhich included a commemoration of the Parsons's Brigade reunion and thededication of the site as a city park.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Duncanville Historical Commission, The History of
Duncanville, Texas (Dallas: Taylor, 1976).
Matthew Hayes Nall
John Penn, was born in Georgia, in 1804. He was married in Illinois, in1825, to Miss Nancy Anderson, who was born in Kentucky, in 1805. Theysubsequently came to Dallas county, Texas, and located three miles northof Cedar Hill. They had a family of nine children, viz.: Joseph R., thesubject of this sketch; William A., who was killed in the late war; JamesH., who died at the
age of four years; John W., who died from the effects of a rattlesnakebite; Robert G., a farmer and stock-raiser, lives in Texas; Rebecca J.,
deceased; Mary Jane, wife of Napoleon B. Anderson, farmer andstock-raiser, Dallas county; Martha Ann, deceased; George W. The
paternal grandfather of our subject was Joseph R. Penn, a native ofVirginia. He was a Revolutionary soldier. The Penn family are Quakers.
John Henry Brown's History of Dallas County, 1892, pp. 492
1860 United States Federal Census Record
about John Penn
Name: John Penn
Age in 1860: 56
Birth Year: abt 1804
BirthPlace: Georgia
Home in 1860: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Post Office: Cedar Hill
Value of real estate: $9370
Value of personal estate: $16,186
Occupation: Farmer
Dwelling and family number 629
Household Members: Name, Age, Gender, Birthplace
John Penn 56, male, Georgia
Nancy Penn 54, female, Kentucky
Robert G Penn 23, male, Illinois
Martha Penn 15, female, Illinois
Geo W Penn 9, male, Illinois
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas;Roll: M653_1292; Page: 385; Image: 245(12-13 of 13
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of theUnited States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls.
From: David Fairchild
To: Gloria Tune Saunders
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:39 PM
Subject: Aunt Rosie
There was a Wheatland, Texas but it is all swallowed up in the metroplex.I will keep looking for my picture but this is the info I have.
Nancy Jane Anderson Penn Born 8 Nov 1805 , Bourbon, Kentucky, Died 11 Dec1887 , Dallas, Texas, Burial: Wheatland Cemetery, Dallas Co, Texas. Shewas wife of John Anderson Penn, (Major) Born 16 Mar 1804 , Murray,Georgia, Died 1 Dec 1871 Pana, Christian, Illinois. Burial: LinwoodCemetery (1 mile East of Pana, Illinois) They were married 8 Jun 1825Lebanon, St Clair, Illinois.
Nancy is buried, I think, next to her son George Washington Penn Born 12Sep 1849 , Sangamon, Illinois, Died 30 Oct 1878, , Dallas, Texas. Burial:Wheatland Cemetery, Dallas County, Texas. Also, her son James RollinsPenn Born 21 Apr 1826 Lebanon, St Clair, Illinois, Died 4 Sep 1899Wheatland, Dallas, Texas. Married 9 Mar 1848, , Sangamon, Illinois toNancy Shoup Born 8 May 1824 Circleville, Pickaway, Ohio Died 30 Mar 1882Lancaster, Dallas, Texas. Burial Wheatland Cemetery, Dallas County,Texas. I think he donated the land but without my pictures I can't tellby the Historical Marker.