Notes |
- John
English form of Latin Johannes, New Testament Greek Ioannes, a contractedform of the Hebrew name Johanan “God is gracious” (the name of severaldifferent characters in the Old Testament, including one of King David's“mighty men”). John is the spelling used in the Authorized Version of theNew Testament. The name is of great importance in early Christianity: itwas borne by John the Baptist (the precursor of Christ himself, whobaptized sinners in the River Jordan), by one of Christ's disciples (Johnthe Apostle, a fisherman, brother of James), and by the author of thefourth gospel (John the Evangelist, identified in Christian traditionwith the apostle, but more probably a Greek-speaking Jewish Christianliving over half a century later). The name was also borne by manysubsequent Christian saints and by twenty-three popes, including JohnXXIII (Giuseppe Roncalli, 1881–1963), whose popularity was yet anotherfactor influencing people to choose this given name. It was also a royalname, being born by eight Byzantine emperors and by kings of Hungary,Poland, Portugal, France, and elsewhere. In its various forms indifferent languages, it has been the most perennially popular of allChristian names. Cognates: Irish: Eoin, Seán. Scottish: Ian, Iain, Eòin,Seathan. Welsh: Ieuan, Siôn. French: Jean. Breton: Yann. Italian:Giovanni, Gianni. Spanish: Juan. Catalan: Joan. Galician: Xoán.Portuguese: João. Basque: Ion, Yon. Romanian: Ion. German: Johann,Johannes, Hans. Low German: Johan. Dutch: Jan. Danish, Norwegian: Jens,Johan, Jan. Swedish: Johan, Jöns, Jon, Jan. Polish: Jan; Iwan (an E.Polish, Belorussian, or Ukrainian form. Czech: Johan, Jan. Russian: Ivan.Hungarian: János. Finnish: Juhani, Jussi, Hannu.
Pet forms: English: Johnny, Johnnie; Jack; Hank. Scottish Gaelic:Seonaidh. Spanish: Juanito. Breton: Yannic(k). German: Hansi. Low German:Hanke, Henning. Dutch: Joop. Danish: Henning. Swedish: Jösse. Polish:Janusz. Czech: Hanuš.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507
English: from the surname of the founder of the Methodist Church, JohnWesley (1703-91), and his brother Charles (1707-88), who was alsoinfluential in the movement. Their family must have come originally fromone or other of the various places in England called Westley, the“western wood, clearing, or meadow”. The given name was at first confinedto members of the Methodist Church, but is now very widely used amongEnglish-speaking people of many different creeds, often without referenceto its religious connotations. Short form: Wes.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507
English: habitational name from various places, for example Penn inBuckinghamshire and Staffordshire, named with the Celtic element pen‘hill’, which was apparently adopted in Old English.
English: metonymic occupational name for an impounder of stray animals,from Middle English, Old English penn ‘(sheep) pen’.
English: pet form of Parnell.
German: from Sorbian pien ‘tree stump’, probably a nickname for a shortstocky person.
Americanized form of a like-sounding Jewish surname.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4
1860 United States Federal Census
about John Wesley Penn
Name: Jas(John) W Penn
Age in 1860: 3
Birth Year: abt 1857
Birthplace: Texas
Home in 1860: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas
Gender: Male
Post Office: Cedar Hill
Value of parents' real estate: $2500
Value of parents' personal estate: $1910
Dwelling and family number 623
Household Members: Name, Age, Gender, Place of birth
Wm A Penn 31, male, Illinois...Occupation: Farmer
Sarah E Penn 24, female, Ilinois
M W Penn 8, female, Ilinois
Jas(John) W Penn 3, male, Texas
Robt G Penn 6 Months, male, Texas
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: Precinct 8, Dallas, Texas;Roll: M653_1292; Page: 385; Image: 245(12 of 13)
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of theUnited States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls.
1870 United States Federal Census
about John Wesley Penn
Name: John W Penn
Estimated birth year: abt 1854
Age in 1870: 16
Birthplace: Illinois
Home in 1870: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas
Race: White
Gender: Male
Dwelling number 114 and family number 117
Living in the household of:
Hendricks, A. A., age 70, male, born in North Carolina
John W. Penn living with his mother Sarah E. Greenwalt Penn McCann andstepfather, Andrew J. McCann.
Post Office: Dallas
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: Precinct 2, Dallas, Texas;Roll: M593_1581; Page: 324; Image: 128(19 of 84)
Source Information: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: 1870.
United States. Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Washington, D.C.National Archives and Records Administration. M593, RG29, 1,761 rolls.
1880 United States Federal Census
about John Wesley Penn
Name: J.W. Penn
Home in 1880: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas
Age: 26
Estimated birth year: abt 1854
Birthplace: Illinois
Relation to head-of-household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Beatrice A.
Father's birthplace: Illinois
Mother's birthplace: Illinois
Occupation: Farmer
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members: Name Age
J.W. Penn 26, self
Beatrice A. Penn 27, wife, born in Texas
Rose Lee Penn 4, daughter, Texas
Wm.Waller Penn 3, son, Texas
T.Mavin Penn 1, daughter, Texas
A.Jewel Penn 2M, son, Texas
Robt.G. Penn 20, brother, Texas
J.Mark Bean 27, boarder, Arkansas
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Precinct 6, Dallas, Texas;Roll: T9_1299; Family History Film: 1255299; Page: 314.4000; EnumerationDistrict: 67; image 16 of 22 on
Source Information: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © Copyright 1999 IntellectualReserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited uselicense and other terms and conditions applicable to this site. Originaldata: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Tenth Census of theUnited States, 1880. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1880. T9, 1,454 rolls.
Notes for John Wesley Penn:
District: Bexar
County: Briscoe, TX
Grant ee: A. C. Bomar
Certificate: 1/770
Patentee: J. W. Penn
Patent Date: 03 May 1907
Patent #: 56
Patent Volume: 34
Survey/Blk/Tsp: SW 1/4 96 B1 BS&F-
Acre s: 160
Class: School
File: 48402
Source: F. Patrick [email protected]
Website-My Genealogy Homepage: n/For-P-Penn/index.html
CEDAR HILL STATE PARK. Cedar Hill State Park is on Farm Road 1382 and thenortheastern shore of Joe Pool Lake, ten miles southwest of Dallas insouthwestern Dallas County. The land is owned by the United States ArmyCorps of Engineers. It was first settled by the John Penn family, andduring the 1990s the Penn farm structures were undergoing restoration.The 1,850-acre park is operated by the Texas Parks and WildlifeDepartment. It opened in May 1991 and has 335 camping sites in fivecamping areas: Shady Ridge, Eagle Ford, Lakeview, Hog Wallow, and CoyoteCrossing. The park also has boat ramps, picnic areas, swimming areas, andfishing jetties. It is set in rolling hills with wooded areas of cedar,elm, Ashe juniper, and mesquite. Some tall-grass prairie is also present.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Dallas Morning News, April 30, 1991. Texas Parks andWildlife, August 1991.
Matthew Hayes Nall
Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. "CEDAR HILL STATE PARK," March 5, 2006).
TXGenWeb Project, Dallas County
Cedar Hill, Texas
Record of Box Rents at Cedar Hill Post Office
1899 - 1901
(Rate: fifteen cents per quarter. B. F. Tindle, Postmaster)
Box # Name of Box Renter 1899 1900 1901
41 J. W. PENN x
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
about J. W. Penn
Name: J. W. Penn
Death Date: 8 Dec 1928
Death County: Tarrant
Certificate: 55396
Source Information: Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Texas Departmentof Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX, USA: TexasDepartment of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit.
Silverton Cemetery, Briscoe Co., Silverton, Tx
Cemetery Inscriptions from the book: Records of Silverton Cemetery inBriscoe County, Texas ©2000, covering dates between 1892 and Apr. 30,2000 , made available here thanks to the Silverton Cemetery Association.Board members were: Carrie Dickerson, Jewell Lyon, Virgil Crow, BryanBurson, J. D. Nance, Clifton Stodghill, Pascal and Donaleta Garrison.Thanks goes to Joyce Cavett who was kind enough to purchase the book andarrange for our permission to use the information. This cemetery list wastranscribed for us by Sheriff Jerry and Mary Hicks. Thank you all foryour hard work on these pages, as many people will benefit from it. Thesefine people have given greatly to this entire site and have done much topreserve our history in Texas. The Silverton Cemetery Association can bereached at: P. O. Box 795, Silverton, Texas 79257, Carolyn Lowrey,Secretary, 806-823-2255, or [email protected].
Last, First/Middle, Birth, Death, Comments, Lot #, Lot Owner
Penn, Allen Burl, 11/19/1915, 05/25/1936, Org.S.Side #298, Whitely, J. C.
Penn, Beatrice A., 01/31/1852, 06/19/1913, Org.N.Side # 5, Frieze, Mrs.Emma
Penn, I.O. Jake, 09/20/1893, 04/20/1956, Org.S.Side #298, Whitely, J. C.
Penn, Jennie, 01/20/1890, 02/04/1967, Org.S.Side #298, Whitely, J. C.
Penn, John W., 07/09/1853, 12/09/1928, Mason, Org.N.Side # 5, Frieze,Mrs. Emma