Notes |
- Medical: Family states she had liver cancer, but was not mentioned on her death certificate.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: KAL-ee [key]
Short form of CAROLINE or CALLISTA
Gender: Feminine
Usage: French, English
Pronounced: ka-ro-LEEN (French), KER-o-lien (English) [key]
French feminine form of CAROLUS
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Ancient Germanic (Latinized)
Latin form of CHARLES
Gender: Masculine
Usage: English, French
Pronounced: CHAHR-ulz (English), SHARL (French) [key]
From the Germanic name Karl, which was derived from a Germanic word whichmeant "man". However, an alternative theory states that the name isderived from the common Germanic element heri meaning "army, warrior".
The most noteworthy bearer of this name was Charles the Great, commonlyknown as Charlemagne, a king of the Franks who came to rule over most ofEurope. Several Holy Roman Emperors bore this name, as well as kings ofEngland, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Hungary. Other famousbearers include naturalist Charles Darwin who revolutionized biology withhis theory of evolution, and novelist Charles Dickens who wrote suchworks as 'Great Expectations' and 'A Tale of Two Cities'.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: ka-LIS-ta [key]
Feminine form of CALLISTUS or a form of KALLISTO
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Late Roman
Pronounced: ka-LIS-tus (English) [key]
Late Latin name which was derived from Greek ?a???st?? (kallistos) "mostbeautiful".
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Other Scripts: ?a???st? (Ancient Greek)
Derived from Greek ?a???st?? (kallistos) meaning "most beautiful". InGreek mythology Kallisto was a nymph who was loved by Zeus. She waschanged into a she-bear by Hera, and subsequently became the Great Bearconstellation. This was also an ancient Greek personal name.
Source: Behind The Name, the etymology and history of first names
English: pet form of any of the given names beginning with the letter J-(cf. Dee and Kay). It is now also used as an independent name in its ownright.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507
English: occupational name for someone employed in the pantry of a greathouse or monastery, from Middle English spense ‘larder’ + the agentsuffix -er.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4
Callie Spencer Howard was a member of the Quaker faith. She attended theFriends church in Friendsville, Blount County, Tennessee along with herin-laws William E. and Milly Barnhill Howard and family. They arerecorded below.
The Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy by William Wade Hinshaw
Volume 1, Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, page 1162
1897,3,6 Callie relrq
Volume 1, Newberry (Friendsville) Monthly Meeting, page 1154
1869,11,6. William E. recrq
1870,2,5. Milly J. & children, Sarah E., Laura T., Wm. E., Cordelia O.,
Hester & Martha Evelin, rec in mbrp
1910,1,1. Callie recrq
1880 United States Federal Census
about Callie Jay Spencer Howard
Name: Callie J. Spencer
Home in 1880: District 2, Blount, Tennessee
Age: 2
Estimated birth year: abt 1878
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to head-of-household: Daughter
Father's name: John
Father's Occupation: Farmer
Father's birthplace: Tennessee
Mother's name: Rosey L.
Mother's birthplace: Tennessee
Neighbors: Leason F. and Sarah Ann Hackney Gregg & son in dwelling number20; Alexander and Nancy E. Endsley in dwelling number 22 Marital Status:Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Dwelling and family number 21
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
John Spencer 23, Head of house, Tennessee
Rosey L. Spencer 20, Wife, Tennessee
Callie J. Spencer 2, Daughter, Tennessee
Charles E. Spencer 3 Months, Son, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: District 2, Blount, Tennessee;Roll: T9_1245; Family History Film: 1255245; Page: 86.3000; EnumerationDistrict: 191; image 3 of 22
Source Information: and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1880United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: TheGenerations Network, Inc., 2005. 1880 U.S. Census Index provided by TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints © Copyright 1999 IntellectualReserve, Inc. All rights reserved. All use is subject to the limited uselicense and other terms and conditions applicable to this site. Originaldata: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Tenth Census of theUnited States, 1880. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1880. T9, 1,454 rolls.
1900 United States Federal Census
about Callie Jay Spencer Howard
Name: Callie Howard--Name misread from census as "Callis"
Home in 1900: Justice Precinct 1, Ellis, Texas
Age: 22
Estimated birth year: abt 1878
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relationship to head-of-house: Daughter-in-law
Spouse's name: Frank
Race: White
Marital Status: Married for 1 year with 1 of 1 child living at time ofcensus
Husband's Occupation: Blacksmith--owns shop with father James A. Howard
Dwelling and family number 148-----Frank, Callie and baby Frankie Maeliving with husband's parents at time of this census.
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
J A Howard 46, Head, Tennessee
M J Howard 52, Wife, Tennessee
Onw(Ozro) Howard 19, son, Tennessee
Maude Howard 15, daughter, Tennessee
Hettie Howard 12, daughter, Tennessee
Roscoe Howard 10, son, Tennessee
Frank Howard 22, son, Tennessee
Callie Howard 22, daughter-in-law, Tennessee
F M(Frankie Mae) Howard 1, granddaughter, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1900; Census Place: Justice Precinct 1, Ellis,Texas; Roll: T623 1629; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 12;
image 18 of 62
Source Information: 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of theUnited States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
1910 United States Federal Census
about Callie Jay Spencer Howard
Name: Callie J. Howard
Age in 1910: 32
Estimated birth year: abt 1878
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Father's Birth Place: Tennessee
Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee
Spouse's name: James F.
Home in 1910: Civil District 4, Blount, Tennessee
Marital Status: Married one time and for ten years
Husband's Occupation: Blacksmith, owns shop
Race: White
Gender: Male
Dwelling number 250 and family number 252 living on College Street, rentshome
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
James F Howard 32, Head, Tennessee
Callie J Howard 32, Wife, Tennessee
Frankie Howard 10, Daughter, Tennessee
Mattie L Howard 3, Daughter, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 4, Blount,Tennessee; Roll: T624_1491; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 17; Image:639(17-18 of 20)
Source Information: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. For details on thecontents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARAOriginal data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. ThirteenthCensus of the United States, 1910. Washington, D.C.: National Archivesand Records Administration, 1910. T624, 1,178 rolls
1920 United States Federal Census
about Callie Jay Spencer Howard
Name: Callie Howard
Home in 1920: Waxahachie Ward 2, Ellis, Texas
Age: 42 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1878
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's name: Frank
Father's Birth Place: Tennessee
Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Sex: Female
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 262
Neighbors: 209 Pecan Street--brother Roscoe Howard, wife Nellie andchildren
House number 219 Pecan Street, Dwelling number 386, Family number 388
Household Members: Name Age
Frank Howard 42
Callie Howard 42
Louise Howard 13, daughter
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Waxahachie Ward 2, Ellis,Texas; Roll: T625_1800; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 121; Image:262(20 of 21)
Source Information: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. For details on thecontents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA.
1930 United States Federal Census
about Callie Jay Spencer Howard
Name: Callie S. Howard
Home in 1930: Waxahachie, Ellis, Texas
Age: 52
Estimated birth year: abt 1878
Birthplace: United States of America
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Spouse's name: Frank Howard
Race: White
Husband's Occupation: Blacksmith--Owns shop
Husband's Military service: None
Age at first marriage: 21
Parents' birthplace: Tennessee
Neighbors: Brother-in-law, Roscoe Howard and family at 209 Pecan Street
House number 219 Pecan Street, Dwelling number 137 and family number 144
Real Estate: Owns home valued at $1000
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
Frank Howard 52, Self, Tennessee
Callie S Howard 52, Wife, Tennessee
Betty L Clark 4, Granddaughter, Texas--Note census misread, shows ageincorrectly as 41
Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Waxahachie, Ellis, Texas;Roll: 2326; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 2; Image: 560.0(12 of 24)
Source Information: 1930 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2002. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Fifteenth Census of theUnited States, 1930. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1930. T626, 2,667 rolls.
Funeral Notice for Mrs. Frank Howard
Died Thursday morning July 26, 1951 at age 73. Funeral services will beconducted tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10:00 o'clock in theSAXON-BOZE-MITCHELL FUNERAL CHAPEL. Interment in the Bardwell Cemetery.The remains will lie in state at the Saxon-Boze-Mitchell Funeral Homeuntill time of services.
Funeral card in possession of Gloria Tune Saunders, great granddaughter.
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
about Callie Howard
Name: Callie Howard
Death Date: 26 Jul 1951
Death County: Ellis
Certificate: 40765
Source Information: Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Texas Departmentof Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX, USA: TexasDepartment of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit.