Notes |
- Marie
French form of Maria. When first introduced to England in the MiddleAges, it was Anglicized in pronunciation and respelled Mary. This Frenchform was reintroduced into the English-speaking world as a separate namein the 19th century, and is still pronounced more or less in the Frenchmanner, although sometimes with the stress on the first syllable. TheFrench name is also commonly used as a male name in the combinationJean-Marie.
Pet form: Manon.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507
French and English: feminine form of Louis, introduced to England in the17th century. Short form: English: Lou.
French: an extremely common French name, of Germanic origin. It iscomposed of the elements hlud fame + wig warrior, and is thusetymologically the same name as German Ludwig. From the early Middle Agesonwards, it was very frequently used in French royal and noble families.An archaic Latinized form of the name is Clovis, and this is the formgenerally used for the Frankish leader (?466–511) who ended the Romandomination over Gaul: Clovis defeated rival Germanic tribes, married theBurgundian princess Clothilde, and founded the Frankish monarchy in whatis now France. In 496 he and his followers were converted toChristianity. Louis I (778–840) was the son of Charlemagne, who ruledboth as King of France and Holy Roman Emperor. Altogether, the name wasborne by sixteen kings of France up to the French Revolution, in whichLouis XVI perished. Louis XIV, “the Sun King” (1638–1715), reigned forseventy-two years (1643–1715), presiding in the middle part of his reignover a period of unparalleled French power and prosperity. See alsoLudwig.
In modern times, Louis is occasionally used in the English-speaking world(usually pronounced /lui/). In Britain the Anglicized form Lewis israther more common, whereas in America the reverse is true. Both formshave been used as Anglicized versions of Gaelic Laoiseach and Lughaidh.Cognates: Scottish Gaelic: Luthais. Italian: Luigi, Lodovico. Spanish,Portuguese: Luis. Catalan: Lluis. Basque: Koldo. German: Ludwig.
Short form: English: Lou.
A Dictionary of First Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0192800507
English: from the Norman personal name Huard, Heward, composed of theGermanic elements hug ‘heart’, ‘mind’, ‘spirit’ + hard ‘hardy’, ‘brave’,‘strong’.
English: from the Anglo-Scandinavian personal name Haward, composed ofthe Old Norse elements há ‘high’ + varðr ‘guardian’, ‘warden’.
English: variant of Ewart 2.
Irish: see Fogarty.
Irish (County Clare) surname adopted as an equivalent of Gaelic ÓhÍomhair, which was formerly Anglicized as O’Hure.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4
1910 United States Federal Census
about Marie Louise Howard Clark Hale
Name: Mattie L Howard
Age in 1910: 3
Estimated birth year: abt 1907
Birthplace: Tennessee
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's name: James F
Father's Birth Place: Tennessee
Mother's name: Callie J
Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee
Home in 1910: Civil District 4, Blount, Tennessee
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Gender: Female
Father's Occupation: Blacksmith--Owns shop
Dwelling number 250 and family number 252
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
James F Howard 32, Head of house, Tennessee
Callie J Howard 32, Wife, Tennessee
Frankie Howard 10, Daughter, Tennessee
Mattie L Howard 3, Daughter, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1910; Census Place: Civil District 4, Blount,Tennessee; Roll: T624_1491; Page: 15A; Enumeration District: 17; Image:64(17-18 of 22)
Source Information: 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. For details on thecontents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARAOriginal data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. ThirteenthCensus of the United States, 1910. Washington, D.C.: National Archivesand Records Administration, 1910. T624, 1,178 rolls
1920 United States Federal Census
about Marie Louise Howard Clark Hale
Name: Louise Howard
Home in 1920: Waxahachie Ward 2, Ellis, Texas
Age: 13 years
Estimated birth year: abt 1907
Birthplace: Texas
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's name: Frank
Father's Birth Place: Tennessee
Father's Occupation: Blacksmith
Mother's name: Callie
Mother's Birth Place: Tennessee
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Sex: Female
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Image: 262
House number 212, Dwelling number 386 and Family number 385
Household Members: Name, Age, Relationship to head of house, Place ofbirth
Frank Howard 42, Head, Tennessee
Callie Howard 42, Wife, Tennessee
Louise Howard 13, Daughter, Texas
Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Waxahachie Ward 2, Ellis,Texas; Roll: T625_1800; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 121; Image:262(20 of 21)
Source Information: 1920 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. For details on thecontents of the film numbers, visit the following NARA web page: NARA
Burial request to daughter Betty Lou Clark Tune from Marie Louise Howard
To my beloved daughter Betty Lou,
Graveside service with Methodist preacher.
I want to be buried in robe and pajamas. Please fix my hair nice likeGrammer's.
Thank you for being my daughter,
Texas Death Index, 1903-2000
about Marie Hale
Name: Marie Hale
Death Date: 20 Apr 1986
Death County: Ellis
Gender: Female
Source Information: Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 [database on-line]. Provo, UT,USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Texas Departmentof Health. Texas Death Indexes, 1903-2000. Austin, TX, USA: TexasDepartment of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit