Notes |
- Giles County, Tennessee
Clark Biographies(From Goodspeed's History of Marshal l County, Tn., 1886)
WILLIAM M. CLARK, son of Thomas and Betsey (Robinson) Cl ark, is a
well-to-do farmer of Marshall County, Tenn., and was born in Giles County
June 22, 1822. He was allowed to follow his own inclination in regard to
schooling, consequently his education is very limited indeed. After
work ing one year for wages he purchased seventy-five acres of land,
largely on cr edit, and by the sweat of his brow has increased his farm to
375 acres. Two s ons and one daughter are the results of his marriage with
Mary Jones, which t ook place in 1849. After her death he married Betsey
White, and two children have blessed their union. Mr. Clark and his first
wife were members of the Me thodist Episcopal Church South; his present
wife is a member of the Cumberlan d Presbyterian Church. In former days
our subject was a Whig, but is now a De mocrat. His parents were North
Carolinians by birth, and shortly after their marriage came to Giles
County, Tenn., and followed farming for a livelihood. The father was
twice married, his second wife being Nancy McCandless. Nine ch ildren were
born to his first union and three to his last. The father was a W hig and
died when about forty-five years old. (Goodspeed's History of Marshal l
County, 1886)
William M. and Mary JONES Clark are on the 1850 Giles Count y, TN Census
in District 17 (Cornersville), HH1157-1157. He is listed as 28, born TN,
Farmer, $800, and Mary is listed as 17, and also born in Tennessee. Also
in their household is Mary, age 3. In HH1159 is A.P. CLARK, 26 M TN,
f armer, $1,600, Frances CLARK, 22 F TN, and Wm. C. CLARK, 5 months. In
HH1160 is Polly JONES, 50 F NC, $500. Thomas and Betsey ROBINSON Clark
were apparent ly both deceased by 1850 when Nancy McCANDLESS (Farmer?)
Clark is found in Di strict 16, p. 419, HH 176-176, age 53, born NC, with
Jasper N.M. FARMER, 22, J.Y.M. FARMER, 21, Burrous N. CLARKE, 14, all
born in TN, and Nathan FARMER, age 78, born NC. (not on 1812).