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- Letter from Amanda Hackney to her brother William H. Hackney
Friendsville, Tennessee December 5, 1885
Will H. Hackney
Dear brother,
Writing some letters this afternoon and my mind wanders to the far ofIllinois where you and other dear friends are. The tears come and fill myeyes when I think how the children of one family will scatter and becomeas it were strangers one to another and I wonder if you would write to meif I should send you a few lines. There is no one at home except myself.Jimmie and mother went to mill. Jane and Eliza went to Parkses. Donnie isat Friendsville going to school she will go until Christmas but I do notthink we can send her after that. Times are close with us now. We are allwell as usual. Sammy Lewises folks aren't very well some of them. JimLingingfeller is very sick. I do not know what the malady is I have notbeen to see him he has been sick about 3 weeks. Lizzie and Lonnie haveboth been removed from us by death. They died within two weeks of eachother. They have none now but sweet little Nora she is the prettiest oneof the four. Jimmie has got his corn all in, is done sowing wheat, hasnot killed his hogs yet. We have three to kill. Tom Hickman and his wifewere here last summer on a visit. Tom has a woman good enough for him, Ithink. From what I could see while they here. They have a baby girl.(poor mans wealth you know) By the way Spencer has some more of that kindof stuff. Settie is not stout at all she has been poorly all summer andfall. Aunt Jane McDonnelle and Mary Ann Hodge were here a few weeks backon a visit Mary Ann said she would love very much to see you.
Dan (Don?) Beals is working as fireman in the steam flour mill atMaryville. Dan (Don?) is a bad one you may guess. Allice is not marriedyet. Aunt Rebecca Hickman lives in a room at Aunt Jane's. Malissa liveswith her. Joe and her man live at N.C. they are doing not good at allthey have been separated more then once. Mary Ann Hodge has a sore in hernose and Dr. Crouse is treating her case. I have not heard whether shehas improved any since she was here or not. Cousin Frank Dunlap come tosee us when he came to Tennessee but has not been here since he firstcame. I saw him a week ago yesterday he talked of going to Illinois lastweek. I do not know whether he went or not. Frank seems to be having sometrouble I rather guess. As the old saying is "his mind is with the girlhe left behind". He said I had better go out there and persuade Annas tostay. Sis and I have a mind to come. Would it be the best for us to comenow or wait until spring.
I spent eight weeks last winter with Sally and Leason. Powells had lotsof apples I know you would love to taste some of his brandy. Dr. Joneshad a letter from Riley Hackney asking for help to come to Tenn. and hesays he wants to settle for life. I am afraid the God of Nature willsettle him before he settles himself. I will send you my picture Will at25. See how it is by the one at 17. I want one of those of yours that youhad when you was here or another that looks like you. Remember me in loveto Tom and Annas. Cousin Isaac Hackney of Kansas has been in Tenn. forsome months past. Ephraim Jones and David Griffith also. I think E.J. andD. G. think of settling in Tennessee. It is time to feed and milk andnobody home yet. So I will quit. I remain your sister.
Amanda Hackney to
Will H. Hackney
In the border of letter: We are going to make a wood chopping to get ussome fire wood. I will ask you and all the good boys just to come overand help and we will have some fun at night. We had one last winter andgot enough to last until now. Send me something for Christmas. Dear
Source:Hackney descendant, Phyllis Martin
Letter from Amanda Hackney to her brother William H. Hackney
Maryville, Tennessee August 24, 1887
William H. Hackney
Dear brother
It is long since I have heard from you. I have been wanting to hearhowever. Therefore I will endeaver to pin you a few lines. I am well asusual. I have not been very well some of the time this summer. I was athome two weeks once but did not get so sick but what I could be up someof the time. I am feeling about as well as I ever do. We went toFriendsville last Sunday and I went down to Mothers. They were all wellat home there. I just stayed 4 hours. Parks have all been sick thisseason. Uncle had the flu and is now down with rheumatism. Susie has beensick all summer. Eileen died she had dropsy of the ---.There has beenmuch sickness in this and adjoining Counties. Very many deaths haveoccured. Dr. Jones wife died at Friendsville. Also Henry Jones sister---- Curtis, you knew she was married did you not? I have heard thatbrother Tom thinks of seeking a more northern latitude, but did not learnwhat state he intends to locate in Jane was gone to Toms when I am here,she will know when she comes back. By the way Will I have just one moremonth after the 10th. of next month and my time will be up here. And Iwould soon like to know for a surety whether I am coming to you or goingto stay somewhere in Tennessee. I want to know whether you was jesting ornot, about my coming. If I do come Will you know that I will come emptyhanded as I have nothing much to bring. I think it best to be plain withyou Will. So you will know what to expect and I hope you will be just asplain with me. I think it will as you say about it. I want to hear fromyou soon. So that I will know just what -----. There is a great Railroadfever here. A road across the state to the ---- starting or rather, as--- road at Concord and crossing the ---- just below Post Oak island anddown the ----- by Friendsville and Unitia. Some of the citizens are veryenthusiastic over it. I hope the road will be put through. There has beenso many changes all about that times nor place do not seem what they are.David Bowles has come back to Tennessee to live and Bob Boring hasmarried his daughter. Now don't that seem funny Will? She was justsixteen. Isaac Lingingfeller is married to an accomplished daughter ofEphraim Lee. They are living at -----. Maryville is growing so fast youwould scarcely know the place it's not what it was when you saw it last.The Hackney boys have all the grain mills under their control. They haveput in rolling ---- in the Chafman and Duncan Mill. Little Joe has movedout to Freeling Donnalsons on little river to attend a mill there. Joehas a hard time of it in this world. Schools are starting in now. ZinoDixen is the principal at Friendsville and Mollie Endsley the Primary.Sherman Greer is teaching at Disco. Amanda at Unitia, Mollie Beals atHickory Falls, Sam Dunlap at Union Xroads. No lack for teachers now. Mrs.Sallie Spencer is married again and is now living at Fairbury, LivingstonCounty, Illinois. With her husband one Mr. Cullinger. How is that for hi?Do you have any idea how far that is from where you are Will. Will Ifeared you might be among the wrecked passengers on the ill fatedexcursion train some where in Ill. that we have been reading about. Ifyou get this write to me soon. I remain your sister until death.
Amanda Hackney
The ----- indicate I couldn't make out the word or words.
Source:Hackney descendant, Phyllis Martin