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- 1850 United States Federal Census
about George Hackney
Name: George Hackney
Age: 37
Estimated birth year: abt 1813
Gender: Male
Home in 1850
(City,County,State): District 5, Blount, Tennessee
House and Family number 406
Household Members: Name, Age, Place of birth
George Hackney, 37, Tennessee
Susan Hackney, 25, Tennessee
James Hackney, 2, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: District 5, Blount, Tennessee;Roll: M432_871; Page: 30; Image: 61(8 of 20)
Source Information: 1850 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Seventh Census of theUnited States, 1850. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1850. M432, 1,009 rolls.
1860 United States Federal Census
about George Hackney
Name: George Hackney
Age in 1860: 47
Birth Year: abt 1813
Birthplace: Tennessee
Home in 1860: District 5, Blount, Tennessee
Gender: Male
Post Office: Friendsville
Value of Real Estate: $1000
Value of Personal Estate: $3000
Household Members: Name, Age, Place of birth
George Hackney 47, Tennessee
Susan Hackney 35, Tennessee
James T Hackney 11, Tennessee
Wm H Hackney 9, Tennessee
Mary J Hackney 8, Tennessee
Sally A Hackney 6, Tennessee
Aaron T Hackney 4, Tennessee
Amanda C Hackney 2, Tennessee
No Name(Rosetta Louisa) Hackney 5.12, Tennessee
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 5, Blount, Tennessee;Roll: M653_1241; Page: 39; Image: 79(8 of 16)
Source Information: 1860 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004. Original data:United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Eighth Census of theUnited States, 1860. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and RecordsAdministration, 1860. M653, 1,438 rolls.
1870 United States Federal Census
about Geo Hackney
Name: Geo Hackney
Estimated birth year: abt 1811
Age in 1870: 59
Birthplace: Tennessee
Home in 1870: District 4, Blount, Tennessee
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: $1800
Value of personal estate: $1038
Post Office: Unitia
Dwelling-house number 106 and Family number 107
Household members: Name, Age, Place of birth
Benjamin C. BRIGHT, 31, Tennessee....Occupation: Farm Laborer
Mary E. Bright, 19, Tennessee.....Occupation: Keeping house
Jesse Bright, 3 months, Tennessee
George HACKNEY, 59, Tennessee....Occupation: Farmer
Susan Hackney, 44, Tennessee.....Occupation: Keeping house
James T. Hackney, 21, Tennessee
William H. Hackney, 19, Tennessee
Mary J. Hackney, 17, Tennessee
Sarah A. Hackney, 15, Tennessee
Thomas A. Hackney, 13, Tennessee
Amanda Hackney, 11, Tennessee
Rosetta L. Hackney, 9, Tennessee
Caledona Hackney, 2, Tennessee
Elizabeth HICKMAN, 28, Tennessee.............listed as "Idiotic"
Source Citation: Year: 1870; Census Place: District 4, Blount, Tennessee;Roll: M593_1515; Page: 109; Image: 218(16 of 24)
Source Information: 1870 United States Federal Census [database on-line].Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2003. Original data: 1870.
United States. Ninth Census of the United States, 1870. Washington, D.C.National Archives and Records Administration. M593, RG29, 1,761 rolls.
AD 1865
At Camp in Rolla Phelps Co. Mo. 11th. mo. 3rd. day
Dear brother George Hackney
I wish to inform thee of our where a bouts and health we are in modesthealth now.
F. A. Jones & John L. Chills occasionally the balance of us well now. Wegot hear last evening and have overhalled our things and have shiped abox of our goods on the railroad directed to John Hackney Concord EastTennessee and want thee to sea to it pay frait and take charg of it forme we also left two boxes of goods at Emporia Lyon Co. Kansas withdirections to be marked and directed to me at Concord Tenn. Care ofGeorge Hackney now georg if these lines are favored to reach thy hands Iwant thee to care for them goods if the come up before we reach thare. Westoped one week and one day at brother James & bro Hughs found them intolerable health for the Season of the year, we are now about 370 mileson our way at a cost of about $30.00 we started full and recruted atBrothers and have laid in a fresh hear, we expect it to cost us more fromhear for ward accordingly, if we are favered to get through we will needthings to live on meat and milk N.B. Levi came through from Iowa and metus hear or at Jos Hackneys he got hear there 3 days before we did, theweather is now fine.
Source: Phyllis Martin
The Hackney family legend has long told of a "violation" of ElizabethHickman while attending the birth of one of her sister Susan's children.She is said to be the mother of Allen J. Hackney and though the lastdocumented child of her sister Susan and husband George Hackney is circa1868, that does not exclude the possibility of another child being bornand perhaps dying. Or, it is possible that Allen J. Hackney is not thecorrect son. For years William H. Hackney was thought to be the father,and due to the unwanted shame of such a thing, he left Friendsville,Tennessee. As the story goes, his father George Hackney, husband ofSusan Hickman, is said to have confessed on his deathbed to the"violation" of his sister-in-law Elizabeth Hickman. Futhermore, it issaid that Elizabeth tried to drown herself and her son, the shame was soprofound in this Quaker community. Apparently she lost her mind over itall and is listed as "idiotic" on the 1870 census. The story has it thatElizabeth died as a result from the drowning and that the boy sufferedbrain damage as a result of the incident. Mary Jane Hackney, daughter ofGeorge and Susan Hickman Hackney raised Allen J. Hackney after herparents died. She also raised Paul Hackney, son of her sister CaledonaHackney who, as the story goes, was "violated" by her sister Sarah'shusband Leason F. Gregg at the time of one of their children's birth.
Gloria Tune Saunders as related by Geraldine Endsley, Friendsville,Blount County, Tennessee
Habitational name from Hackney in Greater London, named from an OldEnglish personal name Haca (genitive Hacan) + eg ‘island’, ‘dry ground inmarshland’.
From Middle English hakenei (Old French haquenée), an ambling horse,especially one considered suitable for women to ride; perhaps therefore ametonymic occupational name for a stablehand. This surname has also beenfound in Scotland since medieval times.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN0-19-508137-4