Notes |
- [royc-young[1].FTW]
Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879.
Census taken on 1 Nov 1850 in District No. 10.
Source: 1880 F ederal Tennessee census, Marshall county V 21 , ED 132,
Sheet 15, line 39 . R eel 1269. Census taken 12 J un 1880 in the First
Civil District, dwelling #1 28.
Census 1900 Oklahoma, indicates both his parents were bor n in Tennessee.
It also indicated he had had 11 children wi th five still alive. The
censu s indicated the parents an d children could all read and write.
Source: Memor ies of Berlin Oklahoma, Burch Printing, Elk C ity,
Oklahoma, 1977.
(Note by RCL - 1900 census inicates that Myrtle and Roy wer e born in
Texas in 1881 an d 1890 and James was born in Okla homa in 1893.
Therefore, the following stor y is slightly i n error.)
John and Mollie Young came to Oklahoma from Tennesse e i n a covered wagon
about 1900. When they got this far the y filed and hom esteaded on a one
hundred and sixty acre far m three miles west of what is ca lled Berlin
now, and a mil e south.
They were raised by slaves in Tennessee.
They built a half dugout to live in until they could d o better. It
was ha lf on top and half of the bottom was un der ground.
The deed papers were made up at Mangum, Oklahoma. Th e land was
deeded by President Theodore Roosevelt and signe d by F.M. McKean at
Mangum, Oklahoma, secretary, to John A . Young on February 28, 1906.
The deed then was recoreded and dated March 4, 1911 a t 3:00 p.m.
After getting settled, they built corrals for two cow s and three
Rollie and Charlie, being the oldest boys, went to Tex as on their
h orses to work for six months.
The Indians turned the cattle out; the mules tak en u p with the wild
They had to get Rollie and Charlie back with the ir horse s to get their
own horses back.
They lived in this half dugout unti l 1915 when they ha d prospered
enough to build a box house, made of one by t we lve inch boards. It was
a two room house with two shed roo ms on one side and a porch on the
other side.
The house was finished on the inside of the flat one b y twelves
with cheesecloth and paper. The lumber to buil d the ho use was hauled
from El Reno to the farm in a wago n with a team.
John A. You ng, Sr. bought five acres at Berlin from Jo hn B. Barnes
and homesteaded ther e in about 1918.
The farm was rented out until 1930 when a grandson, Ro y Youn g Jr.,
moved on it and rented it until 1950. Then Ro y Young, Jr. bought the
farm, one hundred sixty acres in 19 60, and the place has never been out
o f the family name. R oy Young, Jr. still farms it. (In 1977)
Roy Young, Jr. t ore down the old box house and buil t a little new
four room house on it.
Th e Young Families has the following:
John Archie Young [Y3a10], son of William C. Young, wa s born in
November 1849 at Bradshaw. In September 1865 h e was unmarried and was
living in Giles County. Later he m arried and a great-gran dson was
living at Chanute, Oklahom a in 1985. (DM,15nqwr)
A later version o f The Young Families contains:
John Archie Young [Y3a10], son of William C You ng and Eliza beth Kennedy,
was born 27 March 1850 at Pulaski, Tennessee . In September 1865 he was
unmarried and was living in Gile s County. By the early 1870s he had
married Mollie Jane McC anless. She was born at Lewisburg in Ma rshall
County on 1 7 December 1851, daughter of John S McCanless and Mary Ele z
eth Morris. See Dianna Young [Y1f]. John was a farmer, an d moved to the
Oklahoma Territory. He died at Berlin, Oklah oma on 20 February 1926.
Mollie also died there, on 18 Dece mber 1931; both are buried in Berlin.
They had si x children-
a.Charles Young, b 1873
b.Rollie Young, b 12 Aug 1877
c.Mary Eli zabeth Young, b 6 Jan 1881
d.Eddie Young, b 1886
e.Roy Young, b 19 Jun 1890