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- [royc-young[1].FTW]
Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879.
The Young Families has the following:
Nancy Elizabeth Young [ Y3a7] daughter of Williem C Youn g, wes born
21 April 1844 in Giles County Te nnessee, She ma rried Ausburn Rowland
Moore in Giles County on 1 January 18 6 1 and nine years and four children
later she and her famil y moved to Texas, first to Hopkins County, then
to Lamar Co unty, and by 1879 to Red River Coun ty where they remained.
Evidently they made a trip to, or possibly tried to ma k e a new home at
Hot Springs County Arkansas about 1876 beca use one of thei r children was
born there. When in Giles Cou nty, they lived in the Brick Chu rch area.
Ausburn was bor n at Brick Church on 11 January 1839, fourth child of
Ausbu rn Rogers Moore and Nancy Chiles. Ausburn served four year s in the
Con- federate Army, and from the ages of his child ren, he was stationed
cl ose to Nancy during his tour of dut y. Nancy was accidentally shot and
killed by her son at the ir home in Red River County on 28 July 1893, and
is burie d in Gar- land Cemetery near Annona. Her husband, on 7 Dece mber
1897, took S allie J Chism as his second wife. She wa s born 10 December
1845 at Aberdeen, Mississippi and died 2 0 December 1900 in Red River
County. Ausburn died in Red Ri ver County on 20 January 1925 and is
buried in Garland Ceme tery. He a nd Nancy had eleven children-
a. Ann Eliza Moore, b 1 May 1862
b. William A usburn Moore, b 11 Nov 1864
c. Empson Columbus Moore, b 12 Nov 1866
d. Mart ha Ann Moore, b 15 Dec 1869
e. Austin L Moore, b 4 Mar 1871
f. Henrietta E Moore, b 15 July 1873
g. Ludy Moore, b 7 Sept 1816
h. John A Moore, b 12 Ja n 1879
i. Lula E. Moore, b 2 June 1881
j. Girtie Moore, b 8 Sept 1884
k. Roy A Moore, b 1 Apr 1887