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- between 1480 and 1490
between July 11, and Oct. 4
In the name of god Amen the xith Day of July the first and thre d year of the Reigne of our Sovereign lorde and lady Phillippe a nd Mary by the grace of god kynge and queen of England ffraunce , Naples, Jerusalem and Ireland, Defendours of the faythe Pryn e of Spayne and Cycell Archduk of Austrych Duk of Myllen Burgun d and Brabaunt Countes of Haspruge fflaunders and Tyroll. I Tho mas Payne the elder being of grete Ellingham being in good and h ooll mynde thank be to god make and declare this my presnte test ament and last will in manner and fourm following Revoking and a nnulling all other testaments and wylles by me make in tymes pas t. FFyrst I bequeth my soule to Allmightye god and my bodye to b e buryed in the churchyard of Ellingham aforesayde. Item 1. I wy ll that myne Executours shall doo such Deeds in charytye unto th e poor at the daye of m decesse as by them shal be thought moos t expedient. Item I give and bequeth to the vicar of Ellingha m aforsayd viii d. (8 pence) Item I give and bequeath to ever y one of my godchildren being of my kindred viii d, and to ever y other of my godchildren iii d. Item I give and bequeth tow ards the amending of the lanes that have moost neede of reparaco nin Ellingham aforsayde iii s iiii d ( 3 shillings, 4 pence) . Item I give and bequeth to Johbn Payne my sonne and to hys a ssignes three haulf acres of lande At Me3ade gappe two acres o f lande lying in two peces in Wharlonde ffeelde neer the ooke an d haulf an acre of meadowe lying in Southmedowe all being ffre e to have and to houlde to the same John and tohys Assignes duri nge the hooll terme of hys naturall lyff. And I will that afte r hys decesse the same three acrs and haulf of lande and an hau lf acre of medowe lying in Southmedow all being ffree shallhooli e remayne to Thomas Payne and John Payne the children of the dsa id John my sonne and to their heyrs and assinnes for ever by eve n porcons in cvalewe to be devided between them. Item All th e rest of my tenements landes medowes and hereytaments not befor e geven nor bequeathed I gyve and bequeth to the said John Payn e my sonne hys heirs and assignes for ever. All those lands an d tenements which Margaret my wyff ys infeoffed in excepted whi ch I will the same Margaret hir heirs and assignes shall have a nd enjouy according to the same ffeoffments and except I will t hat the said Margaret my wyff shall have and hould to hyr and t o hyrheirs and assignes the rood of land ffree which I late pur chased of the township paying to the said John my son vi s vii i d. And except I wyll that all such ook as grow upon one rood e of ground lying atPantons stoll I wyll shalbe sould by myne e xecutors towards the performance of thys myne last will. Ite m I give andbequethto Thomas payne, the sonne of the sayde Joh n my sonn vi s., viii d. I give and bequeth to the saide John m y grandchild ii s. Item I give and bequeth to Mary Moye my ser vant vi s., viii d. Item IL give and bequeth to George Payne m y grandchild one combe (a combe = 4 bushels) of myxtelen (a mist ure of wheat and rye) and a combe of barley to be delivered hi m at the entuance of the lande which his father dyd give hym . I give and bequeth to Anthony Payne, Margaret Payne, Alexande r Payne, John payne, Thomas Payne and Cecylye Payne the childre n of Thomas Payne my son decessed to every one of them xii d . I bequeth to Margaret LPayne my ddaughter in law xii d.
And to my sister Katering Cawle iii s., iiii d. And all the re st of my goods and cattall not before bequeathed I give and comy tte to myne executors whom I ordeine and make the sayd Margare t my wife and the saide John Payne my sonne. And I begueth to M argaret Nycholl and Johan Dowsynge to eyther of them iii d. Th ese being wyttenesse John Cadye, John Wrighte andJohn Gybbes an d other.