Notes |
- I Have two Nathan Braffords listed in the 1860 Wayne Conty Census. 482,476, Nathan Brafford in the household of Joshua Brafford, 47, Winnie,wife, 46, Nathan is the son, 16.
In household 498, 492, Zachary Garris, 32, M, Head,Farmer, Phobe, 30,F, Wife, Sarah N. E., F, Daughter, 8, Matthew P., M, Son, 6, Serena A.E., F, Daughter, Nathan Brafford, 16, M.
Household 499, 493, Scion Creel, 40, M., Farm Laborer, Polly Creel,52, F. Amy, 22, F, Daughter,
Betsy, 20, F, Daughter.
Is Scion Creel the brother to Winnie Creel Brafford. Is Polly Creelthat much older than her husband Scion?
Is Phobe Garris,30, wife of Zachary Garris, maiden name Brafford orCreel?
Nathan Brafford was taken POW on March 20, 1865 at Goldsboro, NorthCarolina. He was confined on
March 21, 1865 at Hart's Island, New York Harbour.
Joshua Brafford, father, and sons, Edward, Wesley, and Nathan servedthe Confederacy during the Civil
War. Joshua and Wesley died in a prison camp. Edward and Nathan came homefrom prion camps.
Edward to North Carolina. Nathan to Desoto County, Mississippi. Nathanhas no children that is known at this time.