Notes |
- ANDERSON GRIMES was born in Wayne County, Ind., June 18, 1810, the s
on of James and Sarah (Scears) Grimes, natives of Kentucky. The father fir
st came to Indiana in 1806; he was a soldier under Harrison in 1812, a
nd of his two sonsand one daughter, Anderson alone is living. Septemb
er 4, 1829, our subject married Miss Susanna Beeson, who was born in Way
ne County, Ind., June 19, 1810. He followed farming in Wayne till 1853, wh
en he came to this township and settled on the farm he now owns, which th
en consisted of 320 unimproved acres;he has now 162 well-cultivated acre
s, having deeded the balance to his children. Mrs. Grimes died January 1
9, 1869, the mother of ten children, viz.: Mahlon, James, Sarah J., Pameli
a, William, Jesse B., John, Isaac, Ford and Mary C. Of these, four sons en
listed in the late war, as follows: William, April 1861, in Company E, Sev
enteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, wounded at Hoover's Gap, and di
ed at Stone River from effects of wound; James, August, 1861, Company C, T
hirty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, served till close of war; Jess
e, August, 1862, Company K, Eighty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serv
ed till the close; Isaac February, 1864, Company D, One Hundred and Twenty
-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, served till close of the war. They a
ll made good records. Most of our subjects children are living in Whitle
y, and are public-spirited citizens. Mr. Grimes has always followed farmi
ng and stock-raising, and in politics was first a Whig and then a Republic