Title |
Cannon, John, and Ralph Griffiths, The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (1988; reprinted 1997 with corrections).) |
Short Title |
Cannon & Griffiths (1988) |
Repository |
Woodward Library |
Cannon, John, and Ralph Griffiths. The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press (1988; reprinted 1997 with corrections). |
Cannon, John, and Ralph Griffiths, The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Monarchy |
Source ID |
S262 |
Linked to |
AElfgifu or Aelfrida, Queen of England
AEthelred I
AEthelred II, The Unready, King of England
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex & England
Baldwin II, Count of Flanders
Charles III (the Simple), King of the Franks
Eadgar, King of England
Edmund I, King of Wessex & England
Edward the Elder, King of Wessex & England
Geoffrey, Count of Nantes
Richard II the Good, Duke of Normandy
William II, King of England
Henry I BEAUCLERC, King of England
Etienne (Stephen) de BLOIS
Stephen de BLOIS, King of England
Robert COURTHOSE, Duke of Normandy
Edmund II IRONSIDE, King of England
Richard I OF NORMANDIE, Duke of Normandy
Edward I (Longshanks) PLANTAGENET, King of England
Geoffroi V PLANTAGENET, Count of Anjou and Duke of Burgandy
Henry II PLANTAGENET, King of England
Henry III PLANTAGENET, King of England
John Lackland PLANTAGENET, King of England |