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109301 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109302 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109303 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109304 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109305 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109306 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109307 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109308 Registered as Arthur John Stafford, living at 76 Leighton Ave Rochester, born 17 Aug 1884, working as a machine hand at Syminton Mach. Corp. Leighton Ave, Rochester, NY. Mrs. Minnie Moffett is listed as a relative living at the same address. Physical description: medium height, slender build, blue eyes & light brown hair. Registration No. 2334. STAFFORD, Arthur John (I25988)
109309 Registered as Charles Emile Stafford. Charles was a farmer in Mountain View, California. He had a wife and child at the time. He had previous military service in the Signal Corp for 9 months as a Private in California. Charles was medium tall and had a medium build. He had grey eyes and brown hair. STAFFORD, Col Charles Emile (I35594)
109310 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109311 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109312 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109313 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109314 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109315 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109316 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109317 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109318 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109319 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109320 Registered as Cortez Fanando Stafford, b. 13 Jun 1878, a laborer at Culbert Milling Co.. Wife Mary J. Stafford. Medium height & build, blue eyes and dark hair. Has lost parts of all four fingers on right hand. STAFFORD, Cortez Fernando (I83070)
109321 Registered as George Robert Stafford, an iron worker with wife Frances. Stafford, George Robert (I93657)
109322 Registered as Jesse Ivery Stafford b. 11 Nov 1899. Mother: Lucy Ann Stafford. STAFFORD, Jesse Ivery (I89787)
109323 Registered as John Pierce Strafford. STRAFFORD, John Pierce (I103374)
109324 Registered as Peter Johnson Stafford, a machine runner. Stafford, Peter Johnson (I012)
109325 Registered as Peter Johnson Stafford, a machine runner. Stafford, Peter Johnson (I61525)
109326 Registered as Reginald Watson Stafford. STAFFORD, Reginald Watson (I84722)
109327 registered for the draft, age 39, 1918 SHOOP, Delmor Elsworth (I105379)
109328 Registration says he was born in Faulkton, SD. STAFFORD, Lotus Eugene (I75809)
109329 Rehoboth Cemetery. STAFFORD, Otis (I51247)
109330 Rehoboth Cemetery. STAFFORD, Otis (I51247)
109331 Rehoboth Cemetery. STAFFORD, Otis (I51247)
109332 Reid, age 1, is listed as son on the 1880 Davidson Co., NC census in th e HH of
G. W. Staford.

1900 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 93/94
Stafford, Reed born Aug 1878, age 21, married 3 yrs.
Minnie, wife b. Sep 1879, age 20, mar.3yrs,mother of 1, 1 living
Lela M.,dau. b. Dec 1897, age 2
Nancy, Mother b. Dec 1839, age 60, W'd,mother of 5, 3 living

1910 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 117/117
Stafford, Reed age 32, married once, 13 yrs.
Minnie, wife age 28, mar.once,13yrs.,mother of 4, 4 living
Lelia, dau. age 12
Beatrice, dau. 9
Richmond, son 6
Jesse, son 4
Adeline, Mother 75, W'd

1920 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 71/71
Stafford, Reed age 41, b. NC
Minnie, wife 39, b. NC
Richmond, son 16
Jessie, son 13
Estella, dau. 9
Lois, dau. 6
Hattie, dau. 4
Mildred, dau. 11/12

1930 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 9/11
Stafford, F. Reid age 52, married when 20
Minnie, wife age 51, married when 21
Jessie L., son age 22, married when 21
Lois K., dau. age 16, single
Hattie M., dau.age 13, single
Bessie, dau-n-law age 17, married when 17

North Carolina Death Record
Name: Fletcher Reid Stafford
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 72
Birth Date: 16 Aug 1878
Birth Place: North Carolina, United State s
Death Date: 2 Jun 1951
Death Location: Asheboro, Randolp h
Father's Name: George Stafford
Mother's Name: Adeline Coggins
Residence: Asheboro, Randolph, North Carolina 
STAFFORD, Fletcher Reid (I414)
109333 Reid, age 1, is listed as son on the 1880 Davidson Co., NC census in th e HH of
G. W. Staford.

1900 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 93/94
Stafford, Reed born Aug 1878, age 21, married 3 yrs.
Minnie, wife b. Sep 1879, age 20, mar.3yrs,mother of 1, 1 living
Lela M.,dau. b. Dec 1897, age 2
Nancy, Mother b. Dec 1839, age 60, W'd,mother of 5, 3 living

1910 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 117/117
Stafford, Reed age 32, married once, 13 yrs.
Minnie, wife age 28, mar.once,13yrs.,mother of 4, 4 living
Lelia, dau. age 12
Beatrice, dau. 9
Richmond, son 6
Jesse, son 4
Adeline, Mother 75, W'd

1920 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 71/71
Stafford, Reed age 41, b. NC
Minnie, wife 39, b. NC
Richmond, son 16
Jessie, son 13
Estella, dau. 9
Lois, dau. 6
Hattie, dau. 4
Mildred, dau. 11/12

1930 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 9/11
Stafford, F. Reid age 52, married when 20
Minnie, wife age 51, married when 21
Jessie L., son age 22, married when 21
Lois K., dau. age 16, single
Hattie M., dau.age 13, single
Bessie, dau-n-law age 17, married when 17

North Carolina Death Record
Name: Fletcher Reid Stafford
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 72
Birth Date: 16 Aug 1878
Birth Place: North Carolina, United State s
Death Date: 2 Jun 1951
Death Location: Asheboro, Randolp h
Father's Name: George Stafford
Mother's Name: Adeline Coggins
Residence: Asheboro, Randolph, North Carolina 
STAFFORD, Fletcher Reid (I414)
109334 Reid, age 1, is listed as son on the 1880 Davidson Co., NC census in th e HH of
G. W. Staford.

1900 Davidson Co., NC census, entry 93/94
Stafford, Reed born Aug 1878, age 21, married 3 yrs.
Minnie, wife b. Sep 1879, age 20, mar.3yrs,mother of 1, 1 living
Lela M.,dau. b. Dec 1897, age 2
Nancy, Mother b. Dec 1839, age 60, W'd,mother of 5, 3 living

1910 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 117/117
Stafford, Reed age 32, married once, 13 yrs.
Minnie, wife age 28, mar.once,13yrs.,mother of 4, 4 living
Lelia, dau. age 12
Beatrice, dau. 9
Richmond, son 6
Jesse, son 4
Adeline, Mother 75, W'd

1920 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 71/71
Stafford, Reed age 41, b. NC
Minnie, wife 39, b. NC
Richmond, son 16
Jessie, son 13
Estella, dau. 9
Lois, dau. 6
Hattie, dau. 4
Mildred, dau. 11/12

1930 Alleghany, Davidson Co., NC census, entry 9/11
Stafford, F. Reid age 52, married when 20
Minnie, wife age 51, married when 21
Jessie L., son age 22, married when 21
Lois K., dau. age 16, single
Hattie M., dau.age 13, single
Bessie, dau-n-law age 17, married when 17

North Carolina Death Record
Name: Fletcher Reid Stafford
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 72
Birth Date: 16 Aug 1878
Birth Place: North Carolina, United State s
Death Date: 2 Jun 1951
Death Location: Asheboro, Randolp h
Father's Name: George Stafford
Mother's Name: Adeline Coggins
Residence: Asheboro, Randolph, North Carolina 
STAFFORD, Fletcher Reid (I414)
109335 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Ransom (I40365)
109336 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Olive (I40364)
109337 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Benjamin (I40363)
109338 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, William (I40362)
109339 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Norman (I40360)
109340 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, John (I40359)
109341 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Lydia (I40357)
109342 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Lucy (I40356)
109343 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Lucy (I40356)
109344 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Lydia (I40357)
109345 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, John (I40359)
109346 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Norman (I40360)
109347 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, William (I40362)
109348 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Benjamin (I40363)
109349 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Olive (I40364)
109350 Relation unknown. STAFFORD, Ransom (I40365)

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