Matches 122,151 to 122,200 of 122,413
# | Notes | Linked to |
122151 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. Source: The Young Families of Early Giles County Tennessee , 1 986 by East Ellis Short Worsham Young. Joseph was a farmer. During the Civi l War he was a Confede rate Captain. Josep and Rebecca moved to Texas with th eir c hildren about 1868, but made a stop along the way in Hardem an County t ennessee where one of their children was born The author (Young) refers to t he Rufus K. Young story; he p robably had children who lived in Hardeman Coun ty about 186 8 and Joseph would have likely visited his cousins during t he t rip to Texas. | YOUNG, Joseph S. (I88936)
122152 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. Source: The Young Families of Early Giles County Tennessee , 1 986 by East Ellis Short Worsham Young. Joseph was a farmer. During the Civi l War he was a Confede rate Captain. Josep and Rebecca moved to Texas with th eir c hildren about 1868, but made a stop along the way in Hardem an County t ennessee where one of their children was born The author (Young) refers to t he Rufus K. Young story; he p robably had children who lived in Hardeman Coun ty about 186 8 and Joseph would have likely visited his cousins during t he t rip to Texas. | YOUNG, Joseph S. (I88936)
122153 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families contains: Malissa Young [Y3a5], daughter o f William C Young, was b orn about 1841 at Bradshaw in Giles County, where sh e gre w up. Malissa married James P Moore, son of Ausburn Roger s Moore and N ancy Chiles in Giles County on 17 August 1859 . See Nancy E Young [Y3a7]. Jam es was born in 1837 in Tenne ssee, probably Giles County since the Moore fami lies live d nearby for years. Malissa and James were not found in Gil es Coun ty after the 1860 census, but they had at least on e child- a. Nancy E Moore , b Feb 1860 There was a James Moore and w ife, both in their 20s, living in Giles County in 1840. | YOUNG, Malissa (I88939)
122154 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families contains: Malissa Young [Y3a5], daughter o f William C Young, was b orn about 1841 at Bradshaw in Giles County, where sh e gre w up. Malissa married James P Moore, son of Ausburn Roger s Moore and N ancy Chiles in Giles County on 17 August 1859 . See Nancy E Young [Y3a7]. Jam es was born in 1837 in Tenne ssee, probably Giles County since the Moore fami lies live d nearby for years. Malissa and James were not found in Gil es Coun ty after the 1860 census, but they had at least on e child- a. Nancy E Moore , b Feb 1860 There was a James Moore and w ife, both in their 20s, living in Giles County in 1840. | YOUNG, Malissa (I88939)
122155 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families contains: Mary J. Young [Y3a6] daughte r o f William C Young, was born about 1842 at Bradshaw in Gi les County. She was evidently unmarried (or married to a Yo ung?) when her father's will was wr itten in September 186 5 since he referred to her as a Young, and not by a ma rrie d name. She married J C Billy Rea about 1869; there is no m ar- riage re cord for them in Giles County Mary, Billy, an d their young daughter lived in district 10 in the summer o f 1870, She is said by her great grand- daughter Pearl Fall s to be a cousin of Adella Campbell Young [Yli8], who move d to B owie, Texas in 1891. Mary and her new farr,ily may ha ve moved to Texas in la te 1870; her sister Nancy had done s o early in 1870. Mary and Billy had a da ughter- a. Mattie Irene Rea, b Feb 1870 | YOUNG, Mary Irene (I88940)
122156 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families contains: Mary J. Young [Y3a6] daughte r o f William C Young, was born about 1842 at Bradshaw in Gi les County. She was evidently unmarried (or married to a Yo ung?) when her father's will was wr itten in September 186 5 since he referred to her as a Young, and not by a ma rrie d name. She married J C Billy Rea about 1869; there is no m ar- riage re cord for them in Giles County Mary, Billy, an d their young daughter lived in district 10 in the summer o f 1870, She is said by her great grand- daughter Pearl Fall s to be a cousin of Adella Campbell Young [Yli8], who move d to B owie, Texas in 1891. Mary and her new farr,ily may ha ve moved to Texas in la te 1870; her sister Nancy had done s o early in 1870. Mary and Billy had a da ughter- a. Mattie Irene Rea, b Feb 1870 | YOUNG, Mary Irene (I88940)
122157 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Alfred Asbury Young, so n of William C. Young, was born 7 Se ptember 1839 at Bradshaw in Giles County . He was married b y C. A. Harwell on 30 October 1866 in Giles County to his s econd cousin, Sarah Frances Young. Sarah was born 6 Septemb er 1845 at Bra dshaw, daughter of Archibald Smith Young an d Louisa Catherine Abernathy. Al fred and Sarah both grew u p and lived out their lives at Bradshaw. He was a farmer . Alfred died 27 January 1911, and Sarah on 2 Feburary 192 0; both a re buried in Beech Hill Cemetery with so many of t heir Young relatives. The y had eight children- | YOUNG, Alfred Asbury (I88938)
122158 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Alfred Asbury Young, so n of William C. Young, was born 7 Se ptember 1839 at Bradshaw in Giles County . He was married b y C. A. Harwell on 30 October 1866 in Giles County to his s econd cousin, Sarah Frances Young. Sarah was born 6 Septemb er 1845 at Bra dshaw, daughter of Archibald Smith Young an d Louisa Catherine Abernathy. Al fred and Sarah both grew u p and lived out their lives at Bradshaw. He was a farmer . Alfred died 27 January 1911, and Sarah on 2 Feburary 192 0; both a re buried in Beech Hill Cemetery with so many of t heir Young relatives. The y had eight children- | YOUNG, Alfred Asbury (I88938)
122159 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Martha A. Young, daught er of William C Young, was born abou t 1833 at Bradshaw in Giles county. She married L B Erwi n about 1854, probably in Giles County. He was a saddlemake r, born in Tennessee in 1830. This couple was not found i n Tennessee after the Civil War, and may have moved on to T exas as so many of her close relat ives had done. By 1860 t hey had four children - a. Mary E Edwin, b 1855 b. David Erwin, b 1856 c. Malissa erwin, b 1857 d. William Erwin, b 1859 | YOUNG, Martha A. (I88935)
122160 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Martha A. Young, daught er of William C Young, was born abou t 1833 at Bradshaw in Giles county. She married L B Erwi n about 1854, probably in Giles County. He was a saddlemake r, born in Tennessee in 1830. This couple was not found i n Tennessee after the Civil War, and may have moved on to T exas as so many of her close relat ives had done. By 1860 t hey had four children - a. Mary E Edwin, b 1855 b. David Erwin, b 1856 c. Malissa erwin, b 1857 d. William Erwin, b 1859 | YOUNG, Martha A. (I88935)
122161 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Nancy Elizabeth Young [ Y3a7] daughter of Williem C Youn g, wes born 21 April 1844 in Giles County Te nnessee, She ma rried Ausburn Rowland Moore in Giles County on 1 January 18 6 1 and nine years and four children later she and her famil y moved to Texas, first to Hopkins County, then to Lamar Co unty, and by 1879 to Red River Coun ty where they remained. Evidently they made a trip to, or possibly tried to ma k e a new home at Hot Springs County Arkansas about 1876 beca use one of thei r children was born there. When in Giles Cou nty, they lived in the Brick Chu rch area. Ausburn was bor n at Brick Church on 11 January 1839, fourth child of Ausbu rn Rogers Moore and Nancy Chiles. Ausburn served four year s in the Con- federate Army, and from the ages of his child ren, he was stationed cl ose to Nancy during his tour of dut y. Nancy was accidentally shot and killed by her son at the ir home in Red River County on 28 July 1893, and is burie d in Gar- land Cemetery near Annona. Her husband, on 7 Dece mber 1897, took S allie J Chism as his second wife. She wa s born 10 December 1845 at Aberdeen, Mississippi and died 2 0 December 1900 in Red River County. Ausburn died in Red Ri ver County on 20 January 1925 and is buried in Garland Ceme tery. He a nd Nancy had eleven children- a. Ann Eliza Moore, b 1 May 1862 b. William A usburn Moore, b 11 Nov 1864 c. Empson Columbus Moore, b 12 Nov 1866 d. Mart ha Ann Moore, b 15 Dec 1869 e. Austin L Moore, b 4 Mar 1871 f. Henrietta E Moore, b 15 July 1873 g. Ludy Moore, b 7 Sept 1816 h. John A Moore, b 12 Ja n 1879 i. Lula E. Moore, b 2 June 1881 j. Girtie Moore, b 8 Sept 1884 k. Roy A Moore, b 1 Apr 1887 | YOUNG, Nancy Elizabeth (I88941)
122162 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families has the following: Nancy Elizabeth Young [ Y3a7] daughter of Williem C Youn g, wes born 21 April 1844 in Giles County Te nnessee, She ma rried Ausburn Rowland Moore in Giles County on 1 January 18 6 1 and nine years and four children later she and her famil y moved to Texas, first to Hopkins County, then to Lamar Co unty, and by 1879 to Red River Coun ty where they remained. Evidently they made a trip to, or possibly tried to ma k e a new home at Hot Springs County Arkansas about 1876 beca use one of thei r children was born there. When in Giles Cou nty, they lived in the Brick Chu rch area. Ausburn was bor n at Brick Church on 11 January 1839, fourth child of Ausbu rn Rogers Moore and Nancy Chiles. Ausburn served four year s in the Con- federate Army, and from the ages of his child ren, he was stationed cl ose to Nancy during his tour of dut y. Nancy was accidentally shot and killed by her son at the ir home in Red River County on 28 July 1893, and is burie d in Gar- land Cemetery near Annona. Her husband, on 7 Dece mber 1897, took S allie J Chism as his second wife. She wa s born 10 December 1845 at Aberdeen, Mississippi and died 2 0 December 1900 in Red River County. Ausburn died in Red Ri ver County on 20 January 1925 and is buried in Garland Ceme tery. He a nd Nancy had eleven children- a. Ann Eliza Moore, b 1 May 1862 b. William A usburn Moore, b 11 Nov 1864 c. Empson Columbus Moore, b 12 Nov 1866 d. Mart ha Ann Moore, b 15 Dec 1869 e. Austin L Moore, b 4 Mar 1871 f. Henrietta E Moore, b 15 July 1873 g. Ludy Moore, b 7 Sept 1816 h. John A Moore, b 12 Ja n 1879 i. Lula E. Moore, b 2 June 1881 j. Girtie Moore, b 8 Sept 1884 k. Roy A Moore, b 1 Apr 1887 | YOUNG, Nancy Elizabeth (I88941)
122163 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families indicates Sarah was born about 1837 in G il es County. She married ___ Finley, and died between 185 8 and 1860. Sara had a daughter Sarah A. Finley, b 1858. | YOUNG, Sarah (I88937)
122164 | [royc-young[1].FTW] Source: 1850 Federal Tennessee census, Giles county 1319-9 9 6. Reel 879. The Young Families indicates Sarah was born about 1837 in G il es County. She married ___ Finley, and died between 185 8 and 1860. Sara had a daughter Sarah A. Finley, b 1858. | YOUNG, Sarah (I88937)
122165 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families has the following about Elizabeth: Eli zabeth Young [Y3a12], daughter of William C Young , was born in 1854 at Brads haw in Giles County, and lived t here for many years. She married William W Rea (Rhea?) abo ut 1877. He was born in Alabama in 1851 of Tennessee paren t s. Since their marriage record was not found in Giles County , they may have married in Alabama. In 1880 Elizabeth, he r husband William, their children , Sara A Finney [Y3a3a] an d Elizabeth's mother were living at Bradshaw where Willia m was a farmer. They had two children by 1880- a. Miron Rea, b 1878 b. Eddie Rea, b. Jan 1880 (15qrsw) | YOUNG, Elizabeth (I88946)
122166 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families has the following about Elizabeth: Eli zabeth Young [Y3a12], daughter of William C Young , was born in 1854 at Brads haw in Giles County, and lived t here for many years. She married William W Rea (Rhea?) abo ut 1877. He was born in Alabama in 1851 of Tennessee paren t s. Since their marriage record was not found in Giles County , they may have married in Alabama. In 1880 Elizabeth, he r husband William, their children , Sara A Finney [Y3a3a] an d Elizabeth's mother were living at Bradshaw where Willia m was a farmer. They had two children by 1880- a. Miron Rea, b 1878 b. Eddie Rea, b. Jan 1880 (15qrsw) | YOUNG, Elizabeth (I88946)
122167 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families has the following: Margaret K Young [Y 3a8], daughter of Wiliam C Young, w as born in April 1847 in Giles County, By Sep tember 1865 s he had married ____ Burgess, and in 1900 was a widow livin g in district 17 in Giles County. By then she may have ha d a large family, all born in Tennessee (not all children m ay be hers)- a. girl Burgess, b 1 863 b. child Burgess, born and died by 1900. c. Robert A Burgess, b c1872 d. R M Burgess(?), b c1874 e. Leonidas B Burgess, b Apr 1875 f. Ida Lou Bu rgess(?), b c1818 g. Ollie Burgess, b Sept 1886 h. Roland Burgess, b Aug 18 88 i. Katie Aria Burgess, b Sept 1884 j. Rachael Burgess, b Aug 1898 (15qw ru) | YOUNG, Margaret K. (I88944)
122168 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families has the following: Margaret K Young [Y 3a8], daughter of Wiliam C Young, w as born in April 1847 in Giles County, By Sep tember 1865 s he had married ____ Burgess, and in 1900 was a widow livin g in district 17 in Giles County. By then she may have ha d a large family, all born in Tennessee (not all children m ay be hers)- a. girl Burgess, b 1 863 b. child Burgess, born and died by 1900. c. Robert A Burgess, b c1872 d. R M Burgess(?), b c1874 e. Leonidas B Burgess, b Apr 1875 f. Ida Lou Bu rgess(?), b c1818 g. Ollie Burgess, b Sept 1886 h. Roland Burgess, b Aug 18 88 i. Katie Aria Burgess, b Sept 1884 j. Rachael Burgess, b Aug 1898 (15qw ru) | YOUNG, Margaret K. (I88944)
122169 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families indicates that an Edward F Young who wa s the son of William A. Young, was born in August 1859 nea r Pulaski, Tennes see. In 1870 he was living with his grand parents Spencer Young and Minerva Abernathy. Obviously, there is a conflict on the information about thi s Edw ard. However, the Young Families text does include th e same children, some with slightly different dates. | YOUNG, Edward Fields (I88942)
122170 | [royc-young[1].FTW] The Young Families indicates that an Edward F Young who wa s the son of William A. Young, was born in August 1859 nea r Pulaski, Tennes see. In 1870 he was living with his grand parents Spencer Young and Minerva Abernathy. Obviously, there is a conflict on the information about thi s Edw ard. However, the Young Families text does include th e same children, some with slightly different dates. | YOUNG, Edward Fields (I88942)
122171 | [SPENCER-1900.ged] Social Security Number: 409-05-2200 The state listed in th e birth locality field is where the Social Security Number was issued. The zi p code listed in the death locality field is the last place of residence. Dea th Residence Localities ZIP Code: 37701 Alcoa, Blount, Tennessee | SPENCER, Thomas Carl (I88867)
122172 | [SPENCER-1900.ged] Social Security Number: 409-05-2200 The state listed in th e birth locality field is where the Social Security Number was issued. The zi p code listed in the death locality field is the last place of residence. Dea th Residence Localities ZIP Code: 37701 Alcoa, Blount, Tennessee | SPENCER, Thomas Carl (I88867)
122173 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. Robert purchased 66 acres in 1792. The transaction is cited in Rowan/Davie land records as Number 3237, p. 848, 7 Sept., 1792 as follows: "Zachariah Bartleson to Robert Foster, son of James, for L(pounds) 60, 66 A (acres) on both sides of Bartlesons Mill Creek adj this Grantor, Augiom and Hezekiah Foster, which is part of land willed by Richard Bartleson to be divided between his daughters. Wit: John Lankford, James Foster. Prvd by James Foster at Feb Ct (court) 1797." Note: Unless Robert was born much earlier than 1787, it is possible that his father, James, purchased the property and had it recorded in Robert's name. | FOSTER, Robert (I86170)
122174 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. Robert purchased 66 acres in 1792. The transaction is cited in Rowan/Davie land records as Number 3237, p. 848, 7 Sept., 1792 as follows: "Zachariah Bartleson to Robert Foster, son of James, for L(pounds) 60, 66 A (acres) on both sides of Bartlesons Mill Creek adj this Grantor, Augiom and Hezekiah Foster, which is part of land willed by Richard Bartleson to be divided between his daughters. Wit: John Lankford, James Foster. Prvd by James Foster at Feb Ct (court) 1797." Note: Unless Robert was born much earlier than 1787, it is possible that his father, James, purchased the property and had it recorded in Robert's name. | FOSTER, Robert (I86170)
122175 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. Robert purchased 66 acres in 1792. The transaction is cited in Rowan/Davie land records as Number 3237, p. 848, 7 Sept., 1792 as follows: "Zachariah Bartleson to Robert Foster, son of James, for L(pounds) 60, 66 A (acres) on both sides of Bartlesons Mill Creek adj this Grantor, Augiom and Hezekiah Foster, which is part of land willed by Richard Bartleson to be divided between his daughters. Wit: John Lankford, James Foster. Prvd by James Foster at Feb Ct (court) 1797." Note: Unless Robert was born much earlier than 1787, it is possible that his father, James, purchased the property and had it recorded in Robert's name. | FOSTER, Robert (I86170)
122176 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. James Foster paid ten (10) shillings for a marriage license (circa 1784) in Rowan County, NC, presumably to marry Elsie (Elsey) Smith. They were married December 28, 1785. It is not known if this was his first marriage. The marriage was performed in Rowan CO, NC-Bondsman: Peter Coleman; Witness: William W. Erwin (Record# 01 135; Bond# 000124836) 2. James received (1787) NC land grant #1722 of 640 acres (@ 50 shillings per 100 acres) on the Yadkin River, at mouth of Dutchman's Creek above the Rock Ford, near Bucknors Mill in Rowan Co., NC. Grant was adjacent to land owned by Thomas Fauster(Foster ?), Jacob Bucknor and William Copeland in the southeastern corner of Rowan County (see 1976 Lagle map and Hughes maps). Transaction is cited in the Rowan/Davie County land records as Number 854, pg. 688. 11 July, 1788 Note: The above property, owned (in May, 1998) by Milburn Stevens and his wife, is approximately four and one-half miles from Highway 64 on Highway 801 in the Fork Community. There is a cemetery on the property containing at least twenty-five graves, possibly more. To reach the burial site, turn left on Dillon Road,then down to the second utility box. The cemetery is in the woods on the south side of the road. The site overlooks the Yadkin River. 3. James received 200 acres (1786), part of a subdivision of a state grant to William Morris. 4. James received 130 acres (1792) from Jacob Crouse, no wife signs, on Dutchman's Creek, Rowan Co., NC (now part of Davie Co., NC) for 145 Lbs.(NC State money). Witness: Wm. Bailey and Robt. Foster. 1792 Jan. Book 13, pg 205, Salisbury NC Court House (proven May Court, 1793). Note: It is believed that Wm. (William) Bailey, a witness to the above transaction, was the son-in-law of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. William married their daughter, Lucy Foster, a sister of Robert Foster, their son, who was the other witness to the above transaction. 5. James made and signed a will ( December 30, 1810). It was probated/proved in Rowan County, NC, May 1811, Will Book G, pg 195). Will to be executed by his wife, Elsie Smith Foster and Robert Foster, friend. Witness: David Craig and Thomas Foster, Jr. Rowan County records, dated July 1835, indicate that Benjamin Foster, a son of James and Elsie, later served as Administrator of James' estate. James left all his property to wife Elsie during her lifetime--then to be sold and divided between his six sons( James, Jr., John, George, Thomas, Samuel and Benjamin). He left to his daughter, Elsie, the large family Bible and household needs. Note: It is believed that Robert Foster, one of the executors named in James' Will, was the son of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. David Craig, a witness to James' Will, was the brother-in -law of said Robert Foster. David Craig married Mary (Molly) Foster, a sister of Thomas Foster, Jr. who was the other witness to the Will. Thomas also was a son of Rober Foster and Lucy Ellis. The participation in the above transactions by Robert Foster (who is listed as a "friend") and Thomas Foster, Jr., who are believed to be the sons of Thomas Foster, Sr., coupled with the participation of William Bailey and David Craig(e) who were the sons-in law of Thomas, Sr. raises a question-- Was James a cousin of Thomas Foster, Sr. (they were both born in the same time frame) ? | FOSTER, James (I86160)
122177 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. James Foster paid ten (10) shillings for a marriage license (circa 1784) in Rowan County, NC, presumably to marry Elsie (Elsey) Smith. They were married December 28, 1785. It is not known if this was his first marriage. The marriage was performed in Rowan CO, NC-Bondsman: Peter Coleman; Witness: William W. Erwin (Record# 01 135; Bond# 000124836) 2. James received (1787) NC land grant #1722 of 640 acres (@ 50 shillings per 100 acres) on the Yadkin River, at mouth of Dutchman's Creek above the Rock Ford, near Bucknors Mill in Rowan Co., NC. Grant was adjacent to land owned by Thomas Fauster(Foster ?), Jacob Bucknor and William Copeland in the southeastern corner of Rowan County (see 1976 Lagle map and Hughes maps). Transaction is cited in the Rowan/Davie County land records as Number 854, pg. 688. 11 July, 1788 Note: The above property, owned (in May, 1998) by Milburn Stevens and his wife, is approximately four and one-half miles from Highway 64 on Highway 801 in the Fork Community. There is a cemetery on the property containing at least twenty-five graves, possibly more. To reach the burial site, turn left on Dillon Road,then down to the second utility box. The cemetery is in the woods on the south side of the road. The site overlooks the Yadkin River. 3. James received 200 acres (1786), part of a subdivision of a state grant to William Morris. 4. James received 130 acres (1792) from Jacob Crouse, no wife signs, on Dutchman's Creek, Rowan Co., NC (now part of Davie Co., NC) for 145 Lbs.(NC State money). Witness: Wm. Bailey and Robt. Foster. 1792 Jan. Book 13, pg 205, Salisbury NC Court House (proven May Court, 1793). Note: It is believed that Wm. (William) Bailey, a witness to the above transaction, was the son-in-law of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. William married their daughter, Lucy Foster, a sister of Robert Foster, their son, who was the other witness to the above transaction. 5. James made and signed a will ( December 30, 1810). It was probated/proved in Rowan County, NC, May 1811, Will Book G, pg 195). Will to be executed by his wife, Elsie Smith Foster and Robert Foster, friend. Witness: David Craig and Thomas Foster, Jr. Rowan County records, dated July 1835, indicate that Benjamin Foster, a son of James and Elsie, later served as Administrator of James' estate. James left all his property to wife Elsie during her lifetime--then to be sold and divided between his six sons( James, Jr., John, George, Thomas, Samuel and Benjamin). He left to his daughter, Elsie, the large family Bible and household needs. Note: It is believed that Robert Foster, one of the executors named in James' Will, was the son of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. David Craig, a witness to James' Will, was the brother-in -law of said Robert Foster. David Craig married Mary (Molly) Foster, a sister of Thomas Foster, Jr. who was the other witness to the Will. Thomas also was a son of Rober Foster and Lucy Ellis. The participation in the above transactions by Robert Foster (who is listed as a "friend") and Thomas Foster, Jr., who are believed to be the sons of Thomas Foster, Sr., coupled with the participation of William Bailey and David Craig(e) who were the sons-in law of Thomas, Sr. raises a question-- Was James a cousin of Thomas Foster, Sr. (they were both born in the same time frame) ? | FOSTER, James (I86160)
122178 | [Stafford.FTW] 1. James Foster paid ten (10) shillings for a marriage license (circa 1784) in Rowan County, NC, presumably to marry Elsie (Elsey) Smith. They were married December 28, 1785. It is not known if this was his first marriage. The marriage was performed in Rowan CO, NC-Bondsman: Peter Coleman; Witness: William W. Erwin (Record# 01 135; Bond# 000124836) 2. James received (1787) NC land grant #1722 of 640 acres (@ 50 shillings per 100 acres) on the Yadkin River, at mouth of Dutchman's Creek above the Rock Ford, near Bucknors Mill in Rowan Co., NC. Grant was adjacent to land owned by Thomas Fauster(Foster ?), Jacob Bucknor and William Copeland in the southeastern corner of Rowan County (see 1976 Lagle map and Hughes maps). Transaction is cited in the Rowan/Davie County land records as Number 854, pg. 688. 11 July, 1788 Note: The above property, owned (in May, 1998) by Milburn Stevens and his wife, is approximately four and one-half miles from Highway 64 on Highway 801 in the Fork Community. There is a cemetery on the property containing at least twenty-five graves, possibly more. To reach the burial site, turn left on Dillon Road,then down to the second utility box. The cemetery is in the woods on the south side of the road. The site overlooks the Yadkin River. 3. James received 200 acres (1786), part of a subdivision of a state grant to William Morris. 4. James received 130 acres (1792) from Jacob Crouse, no wife signs, on Dutchman's Creek, Rowan Co., NC (now part of Davie Co., NC) for 145 Lbs.(NC State money). Witness: Wm. Bailey and Robt. Foster. 1792 Jan. Book 13, pg 205, Salisbury NC Court House (proven May Court, 1793). Note: It is believed that Wm. (William) Bailey, a witness to the above transaction, was the son-in-law of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. William married their daughter, Lucy Foster, a sister of Robert Foster, their son, who was the other witness to the above transaction. 5. James made and signed a will ( December 30, 1810). It was probated/proved in Rowan County, NC, May 1811, Will Book G, pg 195). Will to be executed by his wife, Elsie Smith Foster and Robert Foster, friend. Witness: David Craig and Thomas Foster, Jr. Rowan County records, dated July 1835, indicate that Benjamin Foster, a son of James and Elsie, later served as Administrator of James' estate. James left all his property to wife Elsie during her lifetime--then to be sold and divided between his six sons( James, Jr., John, George, Thomas, Samuel and Benjamin). He left to his daughter, Elsie, the large family Bible and household needs. Note: It is believed that Robert Foster, one of the executors named in James' Will, was the son of Thomas Foster (b before 1743) and Lucy Ellis. David Craig, a witness to James' Will, was the brother-in -law of said Robert Foster. David Craig married Mary (Molly) Foster, a sister of Thomas Foster, Jr. who was the other witness to the Will. Thomas also was a son of Rober Foster and Lucy Ellis. The participation in the above transactions by Robert Foster (who is listed as a "friend") and Thomas Foster, Jr., who are believed to be the sons of Thomas Foster, Sr., coupled with the participation of William Bailey and David Craig(e) who were the sons-in law of Thomas, Sr. raises a question-- Was James a cousin of Thomas Foster, Sr. (they were both born in the same time frame) ? | FOSTER, James (I86160)
122179 | _MSTATUnknown Tennessee, 1851-1900 Marriage Index Gender: The gender of Ama nda J. Young is female. Spouse: John T. Clark Marriage Date: Nov 04, 1869 County: Giles More About: This record can be found at th e County Court Records at Pulaski, TN, Film # 0968829 - 0968830 | Family F29367
122180 | _MSTATUnknown Tennessee, 1851-1900 Marriage Index Gender: The gender of Ama nda J. Young is female. Spouse: John T. Clark Marriage Date: Nov 04, 1869 County: Giles More About: This record can be found at th e County Court Records at Pulaski, TN, Film # 0968829 - 0968830 | Family F29367
122181 | _MSTATUnknown | Family F29365
122182 | _MSTATUnknown | Family F29336
122183 | _MSTATUnknown | Family F29336
122184 | _MSTATUnknown | Family F29365
122185 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122186 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122187 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122188 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122189 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122190 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122191 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122192 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122193 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122194 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122195 | _UID0A20E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD3FAB | Family F33788
122196 | _UID1220E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD472B | Family F33790
122197 | _UID1220E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD472B | Family F33790
122198 | _UID1220E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD472B | Family F33790
122199 | _UID1220E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD472B | Family F33790
122200 | _UID1220E2C7A1E9D611BC0D0050BA0A41DD472B | Family F33790
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